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The purpose of the Historical Society is to acquire, preserve, and promote the history of the Town of Pomfret, Connecticut.

"Written in Stone: The Carvers of South Cemetery, Pomfret, CT:
Their Work and Stories that Lie Beneath"

Become a member of the Pomfret Historical Society and amaze yourself with Pomfret’s history

The Historical Society is the caretaker to the Old Pomfret Town House (1841) and the Brayton Grist Mill (1890). Both of these buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Historical Society Members activities may include:

  • Assisting in cataloging artifacts and setting up a display
  • Planning Coordinating and implementing historical related events or programs
  • Creating and editing informational articles, brochures, and signage for displays
  • Assisting at events to set up and greet visitors
  • Digitization of historical documents and photographs
  • Cleaning and maintenance days at the Old Town House

Comments? Questions?


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Learn about Abington’s role in the Revolutionary War and some stories about the families who lived there.

The  Village of Abington was established in 1751 when the 50 families living in the southern part of town got permission to build their own meeting house and hire a minister. The Old Abington Burial Ground has 60 Revolutionary War soldiers buried there.

Across the road from Ephraim Ingalls’ tavern were the training grounds for Captain Zebadiah Ingalls’ 11th Regiment. There were at least two taverns nearby where the seeds of the American Revolution were planted. While the men of Abington marched off to Lexington, the women set up a silk spinning room in the James Ingalls Tavern. In the 19th century before the expansion of the Hartford/Providence Turnpike and the railroad, Abington was a bustling crossroads with several stores, a tailor shop, shoe shop, blacksmiths, a sword shop, and several mills on Abington, Blackwell, and Mashamoquet Brooks.

Board Meetings

Board meetings take place at the Old Town House during comfortable weather.

For more information please contact

John Charest at 860-460-6689 or [email protected]

Lisa Levesque at [email protected]


Donna Dufresne at [email protected]

The meetings are open, and all are invited to attend.

Learn more about our team

The Pomfret Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the History of the town of Pomfret CT and educating the public about our past. The town was incorporated in 1713 but the community of Pomfret dates back to the mid 1600’s. The historical society was established in 1976.

A Look Back to 2024

In Partnership with The Last Green Valley 34th Annual Walktober 2024


October 5 Walking Tour of Historic Pomfret Street

October 19 Old Abington Burial Ground Tour and Workshop

October 26 Pirates and Privateers in Pomfret - The Hidden Stories of Nightingale Woods From Joseph Nightingale to the Higginbothams and Randalls

November 2 Them Bones, Them Bones, Them Malbones